HSIM is a pair of programs written in C. The simulator takes an input file containing a text description of the motor in a simple, one parameter per line format. It generates a description of the motor and the burn as its output. The report generator takes the simulator output and produces the formatted report. Both are written in C, coded in a style that should be straightforward to read or to port.
HSIM sources are available in two forms. At present this web interface drives version 0.3 of the simulator. The C modules and Makefile can be downloaded as a Zip flie.
HSIM does not run as a standalone program. It depends on the freely available program CPROPEP to simulate combustion. A slightly older version of HSIM, version 0.2, is available as a combined source and binary download. This version includes CPROPEP and can be installed on a windows system as a program that runs from the command prompt. The download also includes the modest documentation. |