- Hot flames have been seen! Details here.
- Both the 4' and 2' tubes are complete, except for external thrust ring. (Mark Lloyd)
- Drawings complete. (Bethany)
- Forward bulkhead, injector plate, and nozzle collar complete. (Adam, Mike)
- Nozzle and retaining washer complete. (Alan Whitmore)
- Pyrovalve fab phase 1 complete. (Steve and Evan)
- PVC Pipe / paper fuel grain construction Complete. (Steve and Evan)
- Construction of jig to hold the motor on the stand Complete. (Eric Hamilton)
- Data gathering board (prototype) is up and running. (Steve and Evan)
To Do
We've completed 11 tests over 5 days.
Detailed test information is here.
Lots of work to do to get things running smoothly. Thoughts on what to do and test next are on the open test page.
- High level budget is $600.
- Spent $180 on aluminum stock.
- Spent about $150 on misc plumbing, including on-board valves.
- Promised Mark Lloyd $85 for machining.
- Spent $40 on graphite for the nozzle.